Effective Programs to Improve Your Parenting Practices

Getting Started

You and your family will be assigned one or more of our trained clinicians based on language, service needs, expertise, and availability.

Our administrative staff will work with you to identify your needs and coordinate all administrative aspects of your services.

Our collaborative team approach ensures that your family receives comprehensive care that incorporates various perspectives.

Working Together Toward Your Goals

You and your family may be matched up with one or more of our clinicians who are specially trained to work in areas where more focus is needed. 

Parent Solutions
Parent Solutions


Our classes are offered virtually and in person for your convenience. 

*Group classes are currently being held virtually at this time

* Personal, 1:1 classes are available virtually and in person

Please read your court order for which class is recommended.

Testimonials About Our Services

"Out of all the instructors I have come across I must say Linda is one of the best. Not only did she have a great way of presenting her material she also made sure everyone comprehended the lesson and would try to encourage the class to use it in their everyday life" Parenting Without Violence Class Client
"The course was very well planned, organized and interesting, though it is a tough topic to discuss, and I see myself applying this to my life everyday. Though I could not relate to the DV aspects of the course, I felt this course is much needed to understand how others have affected me in my life. I found the course thought-provoking and I also learned to identify signs to be vary of in relationships, which I previously ignored. Thank you for your efforts, I really appreciate it." Parenting Without Violence Class Client

" I don't open up to people or give out too much info about my life. I felt comfortable enough to ask her for advice involving my children and I respected her answers. I just wanted to give Linda a thumbs up and let you know how much of a pleasure it was having her as my instructor." Parenting Without Violence Class Client

Co-Parenting Class

Co-Parenting is best when parents can communicate effectively on a semi-regular basis without a lot of tension and conflict.

This course will teach you skills to build a stronger relationship with the other parent, learn how to communicate more effectively with your children and co-parent, and avoid pitfalls and communication traps to meet your children's long-term best interest.

Parenting Without Violence

"Parenting Without Violence" does not mean you are a perpetrator of violence.

This 16-week class is designed to increase your awareness of interpersonal violence, help you learn alternatives to violence, how to respond when there is violence, what to do after the violence, and how to make lasting and healthy changes in your life and relationships.

What if there is a restraining order and both parents need to take the class?

It's not uncommon for parents who are divorcing or going through custody issues to have restraining orders. The completed registration paperwork allows us to screen the names of the parents. The screening process is also used to assist with the orders of the court. All parents must complete the intake paperwork. The restrained parties will be asked to attend separately should both parents sign up for the same class.

Parallel Parenting

Parallel Parenting classes support parents in high-conflict relationships to learn ways to manage individual parenting needs and collaborate more effectively and respectfully with the other parent.

This course will teach you skills to manage inter-parent conflict, understand how to support your children and avoid keeping the children out of the middle of parental relationships, and learn how to avoid pitfalls and communication traps in order to meet your children's long-term best interests.

Parent Education

Parenting Your Teen

Developmental Parenting

Parent Coaching


Personalized parent coaching with qualified clinicians provides parents with the skills and tools they need to transition into single parenting effectively.

Working 1:1 with your coach, you'll learn how to answer difficult questions asked by your child, tools to manage time, maintain the child's safety, and accomplish the modern parent's multitasking needs.

Parent Solutions

Mental Health Services

Parents Solutions has an experienced and highly trained team of Licensed Clinical Social Workers (LCSW) and Licensed Marriage and Family Therapists (LMFT) and associates who provide individual therapy to children, adults, older adults, couples, and families.

Our Therapists and Behavioral Coaches have expertise in their fields and extensive experience working with a variety of issues impacting mental health and wellness and will work with you to establish your goals and meet goals outlined in referring court orders (as applicable).

You may engage in more than one service simultaneously based on your needs and may be assigned to work with different therapists depending on the services offered. Our admin staff will help match you to the therapist who is the best match for you. 

Co-Parenting Therapy

Personalized, specialized family therapy between co-parenting partners to address co-parenting needs, develop understanding and build skills to communicate and resolve conflict more effectively.

Family Therapy

Collaborative therapy includes parent(s) and children to increase communication, address and repair relationship challenges, and establish a relationship that works for both the parent and the child.